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[error]: The limit choosen is superior to the server's maximum upload file -

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I tried to move my whole prestashop to the other server, so I followed the instruction on the page below..



When I tried to 'disable shop', on the preferences tab, the error message

'The limit choosen is superior to the server's maximum upload file You need to improve the limit of your server'

came up.

I checked the server's max. upload size and there is plenty of empty space still.


Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?

I've been searching for similar topics on the web, but nothing found yet.


Thank you

Edited by suzuman (see edit history)
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Hi suzuman,

Have you tried contacting your host directly yet? They should be able to fix this very easily for you if you provide them with this error message. However, if you're moving away from this host, I would definitely recommend that you not mention this to them, because they may be a little less willing to help if they know why you're looking to increase this value :P.


I hope this helps.



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