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[Help] Client Can See Prices After Registering!

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Hello community


I have a "huge" problem, because by default, clients shouldn't be able to see prices before WE accept the registration... So everything works, someone goes to the shop, and they don't see prices... The problem starts WHEN they register, even if we don't accept them, and even without they loggin in, they imediatly see the prices!


This shouldn't happen, they should be able only to see prices when we accept the registration and when they login...


I tried this code



{if $logged}


<span class="price-discount">{displayWtPrice p=$special.price_without_reduction}</span>

{if $special.reduction_percent}<span class="reduction">(-{$special.reduction_percent}%)</span>{/if}

<span class="price">{displayWtPrice p=$special.price}</span>






In some files under Themes and Modules...


Prestashop Version:

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like coeos.pro states...there are modules to do this...I didn't want to post our module as a solution and am still willing to help you fix your existing site....but seems only fair now that I provide you with our own solution(s) for this..


Authorized Only (i.e. must be enabled by shop owner before logging in to see prices/shop.


Registered Only (i.e. must register to see prices/shop)


note: we also offer until August 1st, 2012 25% discount, user voucher code KICKSTART

Edited by elpatron (see edit history)
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We used this method...




Are those modules guaranted to solve the problem that I displayed on the first post? Is there a money back garante if it doesn't work?


Nobody has asked for the money back if that helps and had they because of something we did I would return their money in a second.....I do my best to make our modules a one click experience both in the install/uninstall/disable/enable processing..my mom brought me up right.

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Sorry you seem offended? That wasn't my intention.


I mean is it fully functional with PrestaShop V. ?! If so we probably would be interested


I apologize...I was using my American humor...and I've had a couple of great European coffee's today. :) ...yes, compliant...

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