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[SOLVED] Problems when I want to delete cache (but truly delete it)

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Hi everyone,


I have a VERY annoying problem. I want to modify 'order-detail.tpl' on my theme and, when I refresh my store, I can see that Prestashop shows some modifications I did on that file, but doesn't show some of them.


Of course, I have set off 'cache' and set on 'force compilation' on my Back Office > Preferences > Performance [smarty]. Beside of that, I have deleted all files but 'index.php' in '/tools/smarty/compile'. And here comes the point; when I access to a order details (so Prestashop calls 'order-detail.tpl'), a file called '(lots of numbers/letters).file.order-detail.tpl.php', amongst others, appears in '/tools/smarty/compile', and it has the changes I can see on my store, but it doesn't have the changes I did in 'order-details.tpl' who my store doesn't show. So the question is, where does Prestashop get that information from? Where is THAT cache?


Thank you in advance.



Edited by jorgeferpas (see edit history)
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I am trying to modify order-detail.tpl in my theme directory. The strange part is that I have done some changes who I can see in prestashop. For example, I changed the text "order done at {date}", and I can see the change in my store. But I change a <td> label in the same file (I change "<td>" for "<td id="left">) and I can't see the changes on my website (even I can't find the label "<td id="left">" in the source code of my site, which means that that part of the file was not taken from "order-detail.tpl".


This is the part I want to modify, where the red text is the modified text who prestashop "ignores", and the blue text is the modified text who prestashop does correctly:


{if count($order_history)}

<p class="bold" style="margin:20px 0 -15px 35px;width:125px;text-align:center;color:#fffff8;background:#cbcbbb;border-radius:3px 3px 0 0">Order history</p>

<div class="table_block">

<table class="detail_step_by_step std">



<th class="first_item">{l s='Date'}</th>

<th class="last_item">{l s='Status'}</th>




{foreach from=$order_history item=state name="orderStates"}

<tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.orderStates.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.orderStates.last}last_item{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.orderStates.index % 2}alternate_item{else}item{/if}">

<td id="left">{dateFormat date=$state.date_add full=1}</td>

<td id="right">{$state.ostate_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</td>







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