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No Carriers;Shipping;etc

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I cant figure this out.

I've looked, and dug.


Would someone be willing to login my shop and help me figure this out? I would prefer a mod, or admin or something, just for security reasons, you know. Nothing against anyone else.



Its saying people cannot purchase because there is no carrier to that shipping address.

And preventing them from paying etc.. Half the time its not even a product that needs shipped.


I ship everywhere. so I dont know why it doesnt work :(



I've lost too much in sales to try and figure this out using tips, and such anymore.


Thank you so much in advance.

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I cant figure this out.

I've looked, and dug.


Would someone be willing to login my shop and help me figure this out? I would prefer a mod, or admin or something, just for security reasons, you know. Nothing against anyone else.


Per PrestaShop policy, we cannot do this without a signed contract, unfortunately.


What shipping providers are you using on your site?



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Those are just domestic though, I see no international. Does this matter?


USPS does not currently allow international shipping through their PrestaShop module. If you are looking to ship internationally, you may want to look into alternative options such as UPS and FedEx.



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Ok thank you.


When I get to


Packaging Weight :


Handling Fee :


Localization configuration :

Weight unit :


The weight unit of your shop (eg. kg or lbs) Dimension unit :


The dimension unit of your shop (eg. cm or in)

Service configuration :



This is what I mean, I don't even know what to put in.


I'm so sorry :(

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Hi indie-Zine,

The packaging weight and handling are up to you, based on your own packaging requirements and any fees you would like to charge for handling.


The localization information is merely what is used in your country/shop in terms of measurements. Just enter the one you use. For example, if you're in the United States, you would enter lbs and in


I hope this helps.



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What does this mean ??? My god that is Greek!?

-- from USPS Email

Your Web Tools User ID, shown above, is required to test and integrate USPS Web Tools APIs. With this ID, you may begin sending calls to the test server. Depending on the API, the address to the test server is either http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll or https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll. Use this information in combination with your User ID and your XML string to send a request to the USPS servers. For more details, refer to the programming guides (located at http://www.usps.com/webtools) for the specific API you are integrating.


A sample test request would look like: "http://testing.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPITest.dll?API=[API_Name]&XML=[xml_String_containing_User_ID]"


When you have completed your testing, email the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will switch your profile to allow you access to the production server and will provide you with the production URLs.

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Ok now i get this..


forbbiden.gif Prestashop could not connect to USPS webservices :

Error 80040b1a : Authorization failure. You are not authorized to connect to this server.



But i did the thingy? ( Love my noob talk, right )


How did you set up your login credentials? This error is only thrown when the credentials are incorrect.



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Registered Here... https://www.usps.com/business/become-webtools-provider.htm?


Then, i Dont understand what this means.


4. Request to be listed

Email the USPS Web Tools program office at [email protected] in order to begin official listing process. In this email please indicate the specific USPS Web Tools your company supports. Be sure to tell us your USPS Web Tools username and the company name under which you’ve registered.

5. Get verified and approved.

We will verify registration and use of the USPS Web Tools. Upon satisfaction of all criteria, your company will be listed as a service provider.

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What does this mean ??? My god that is Greek!?

-- from USPS Email

Your Web Tools User ID, shown above, is required to test and integrate USPS Web Tools APIs. With this ID, you may begin sending calls to the test server. Depending on the API, the address to the test server is either http://testing.shipp...pingAPITest.dll or https://secure.shipp...pingAPITest.dll. Use this information in combination with your User ID and your XML string to send a request to the USPS servers. For more details, refer to the programming guides (located at http://www.usps.com/webtools) for the specific API you are integrating.


A sample test request would look like: "http://testing.shipp...PITest.dll?API=[API_Name]&XML=[xml_String_containing_User_ID]"


When you have completed your testing, email the USPS Internet Customer Care Center (ICCC). They will switch your profile to allow you access to the production server and will provide you with the production URLs.

You may not need to do anymore than give them a call on 1-800-344-7779 option 3. Tell them you have a 3rd Party server, Prestashop, and they will probably put your site 'in production' there and then. They did that for me...........however, I am still no better off because I get the same 'cannot connect to server' message as you and many other get. We need more help from Prestashop!!!!!!

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So come on Prestashop, what is the secret to getting the USPS module working. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the module, checked and double and triple checked all my detaills, I have the latest version of the module, you HAVE TO HELP US!!!!!

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Hi arizonak,

Can you please provide the specific error message(s) you are receiving?



Hi Mike, I responded to your email, hope you got it because now I am having the same problem with UPS module, error message for USPS is:

Prestashop could not connect to USPS webservices :

USPS Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again.

error message for UPS is:

forbbiden.gif Prestashop could not connect to UPS webservices :

UPS Webservice seems to be down, please wait a few minutes and try again

What's happening here?

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Having now got my USPS and UPS Modules working, I thought I would share with you how that came to be.

I badgered my Hosting provider, Westhost, to have a look at the 'allow_url_fopen' and the found that it defaults to 'no'. Here follows messages from them explaining what they did for me.



I've placed a php.ini file in your arizonak/dir/ folder and enabled the php setting fopen.

Please let us know if you have any further issues with this.

it still was not working so:

2.Hi Bernard,

Thank you for your reply.

I had placed it in the exact directory that your install was located in, because it wasn't working I just moved it up one directory and applied a setting to make the fopen option recursive (apply to everything) and you should now have fopen enabled for your account.

I thanked the tech support and asked them if it was ok to pass on their fix

3.Hi Bernard,

Thank you for your reply.

Sure you can share the fix on the prestashop forums, to clarify a little better this is what I did:

I placed a php.ini file in your web root for your website the most important part was that it contained the following code:

allow_url_fopen = On

I then created a .htaccess file and placed it in the same folder with the following line:

SetEnv PHPRC /home/arizonak/home/arizonak/php.ini

This is a direct link specifying the location of the php.ini file on the server (to customize you would replace /home/arizonak/home/arizonak/ with the proper location of your php.ini file) It uses this file as the environment for all subdirectories (this way you can enable fopen for just part of your hosting account instead of all of it).

Any content that is not contained within the arizonak folder will not have fopen enabled, consequently making your hosting account more secure than otherwise.

I hope this helps someone, now I just have to get my Paypal API working, when I make a trial purchase I get an error message

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