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[EN/FR] Problem ajax cart/ Problème panier ajax

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J'ai un soucis concernant le panier ajax, en effet lors de la première visite, il est ouvert, l'on peut alors ajouter des produits, l'animation vers le panier est OK, le calcul shipping+total est OK mais les produits ne s'affichent pas (il faut pour cela rafraichir la page), le deuxième soucis étant que lorsque l'on ferme ne serait-ce qu'une seule fois le panier on ne peut plus l'ouvrir ...


Je n'arrive pas à comprendre d'ou ces deux problèmes viennent surtout que je n'ai pas modifié ajax-cart.js


Merci d'avance de votre aide




PS: Le lien du site http://purenegoce.com/shop/






I've a problem with the ajax cart, when you visit the website for the first time, it is open, so you can add some products inside, animation to cart is OK, calcul shipping+total is OK, but the products doesn't appear in the cart(you must reload the page to see them), the second problem is that when you close the cart just one time you cannot open it one more time...


I don't understand this two bugs in according to I don't modify the ajax-cart.js file


I hope you could help me




PS: The link : http://purenegoce.com/shop/

Edited by Adli (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...


I hope you already find solution to the problem, but if you not, here it is:

In ajax-cart.js find following:

about line 96


// try to expand the cart

expand : function(){





about line 139


// try to collapse the cart

collapse : function(){



These are the functions responsible for expanding/collapsing the cart block. Now look carefull in the rows after functions start, you must see the following in both functions:

... $('#header #cart_block ...

on 2 places in each function


what this code do is to tell javascript to look in div container with id=header for div container with id=cart_block and after that, to do something with it. This is no problem if you transplant cart block in header part of you theme, but if you put it in anywhere else (for example in right column) it will stop working, because cart_block div is no longer in header div. Just remove each #header instances in both functions and presto - cart block expand/collapse working sitewide ;)


P.S. I think this should be changed in new versions of prestashop by developers team, because there is no logic cart block expand/collapse option to work only in header of the theme

Edited by Serios (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Thanks Serios, it worked like a charm...

Btw, i was looking for a way to limit the amount of items to display in cart (maybe the last 5) and some '...' before them.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks again



You wont list to be expandable with "View more..." link or just list with last five items added to cart?

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I want the list expanded to have the last 5 items. and beggining with a '... last products' if there are more than 5.


Sometimes clients have a lot of products in cart, which a part from not looking that great, i think slows a little more the website. Having this limit on how many items can be seen in the left column, even when expanded, will improve it.


I have found the file that needs to be changed, but don't know the variable to get the total number of products(items) in cart.

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I want the list expanded to have the last 5 items. and beggining with a '... last products' if there are more than 5.


Sometimes clients have a lot of products in cart, which a part from not looking that great, i think slows a little more the website. Having this limit on how many items can be seen in the left column, even when expanded, will improve it.


I have found the file that needs to be changed, but don't know the variable to get the total number of products(items) in cart.


Ok I'm not tested this, because i don't have access to my local server, but it should work:


in file blockart.tpl around line 72 you have:

{foreach from=$products item='product' name='myLoop'}....


after this put following code:

{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.index == 5}

... last products




what this code do, is to check "foreach" index. If it has value of 5, then we are getting 5-th element so break the foreach loop and continue with rest of the code. Also in this way you limiting foreach loop results to 5 not to last 5. I don't remeber well but think, that when adding products to cart the order is that the latest added became first in the list. If you don't pleased with results I can check and test later for more appopriate code.

Edited by Serios (see edit history)
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