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Mysterious space right after "center_column"

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I've spent several hours now trying to get rid of a mysterious space right after the <div id="center_column"> tag on the product page. See here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798631/space.png


I have not made any changes to PHP files. It has nothing to do with the header.tpl file since it only gets added on the Product page. I've even tried to exclude the breadcrumb.tpl file and I've left the product.tpl file completely blank and the space was STILL there! :wacko:


Where else could this piece of empty space come from?


Hope you guys can help me to solve this mystery :rolleyes:

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Tried it and didn't help either.


I found out that what actually makes a little difference (but only in the HTML...the appearance on the page doesn't change) is, when I change the end of the header.tpl file like that:



Where do those 2 files (header.tpl & product.tpl) get together?



{include file="$tpl_dir./header.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product.tpl"}



That's the only place where a space can get added I'm guessing.

Edited by walter6 (see edit history)
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No, but I have 2 sites using the same theme, on one I don't have this issue so now I've copied my product.tpl, header.tpl, error.tpl and breadcrumb.tpl from the other website, and guess what :lol: the space is still there!


So the problem must be somewhere else, apparently those files have nothing to do with it.

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  • 3 months later...

open product.tpl (may be breadcrumb.tpl) with notepad ++


encoding > encode with UTF-8 without BOM, after that convert to UTF-8 witout BOM


if need press "save"


put back and replace original one.


after that open your site main directory > tools > smarty > compile


delete all files except index.php

Edited by Jevgen (see edit history)
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