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how to get rid of short descritpion editor an description editor from back office add new fields

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im trying to simplify the entry fields for product description an short description the text editor in the back office is to buggy an confusing for some of my employees. so when your trying to put in 1 thousand plus items it takes for ever. an being a collector selling items of the same kind it just takes to much time when inputing the items.



im not asking some one to code this for me but to point me in the right direction on were i should go to start coding it my self. any help would be great heres a pic of what im trying to do just to explain it better.change this



post-376315-0-53235000-1343069329_thumb.png to look like this post-376315-0-06113900-1343069369_thumb.png



thanks in advance

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You will need to edit /admin/tabs/AdminProducts.php to modify the product editor display.


Rather than add new fields (which requires overriding the product class and adding field to the DB), try reusing some of the existing product editor elements (like "location").


You can also exclude the tinyMCE editor from that page, don't recall off the top of my head where the JS code for that sits, liekly in an external JS file that is loaded there.


Then edit product.tpl file to arrange the fields to display as you wish.,

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if i were to over ride the product class how would i go about doing that? adding fields to the db isnt an issuse so i dont mind adding a few extra tables just to get this to work the way i want. but if it comes down to over riding the product class then i will probally need some help on that. ill try the other method first to see if i can get it to work correctly.

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is there something that i need to add to the coding in order to allow for a new textarea tag to allow new text entry for the same area ? so that way i can input 2 different things at one time an still have it show on the description page ?

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ok so ive tried to add new fields just using the description id tag. also try using the <form>,<input><textarea> tags even after putting the code in the right place its not saving at all an wont show on the product description page like it should so im going to have to over ride the product class an add new tables but i dont know how to over ride the product class. so if you can give me a hint on how to do this that would be great. ive tried alot of differnt things but im getting no were so any help would be great. if i need to ill make a new post since i am asking a new question.

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This is the code that im trying to modify so that i can implement multiple field inputs that post to the description page of the web site. so far i have used every tag possible to try to get the fields to work so that when you type in each field it will show on the description page just as if it was the text input. now i have tried every thing i can get fields to show in the back office but when you type in them it wont save like its suppose to. it will only take 1 field input. so what i need to know is how to go about making it so that it takes multiple input fields so that it will show on the description part of the products page.









					<td class="col-left"><b>'.$this->l('Main Page Posting:').'</B><br /><br /><i><B><U>('.$this->l('For main page posting only, DO NOT USE ITEM CONDITIONS WHEN POSTING ON MAIN PAGE').')</U></B></i></td>
					<td style="padding-bottom:5px;" class="translatable">';
	foreach ($this->_languages as $language)
		echo '		<div class="lang_'.$language['id_lang'].'" style="display: '.($language['id_lang'] == $this->_defaultFormLanguage ? 'block' : 'none').';float: left;">
							<textarea class="rte" cols="10" wrap= "on" rows="1"

id="description_'.$language['id_lang'].'" name="description_'.$language['id_lang'].'">'.htmlentities(stripslashes($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'description', $language['id_lang'])), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</textarea>							 </div>';
	echo '		</td>

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ok so ive got it to allow me to add more entry fields using the same code as above with an extra echo ' at the beginning of each field code. which is good but it will only allow to save text in the last textarea field an it duplicates the text in to every field as shown in the picture below. Now is this were i have to create new tables in the DB in order for it to work correctly? Like if i switch the code around to add the new db tables an then still use the description id in order for it to show on the products description page or will i need more code in order to stack the new text fields correctly on the description page?



Edited by invayne (see edit history)
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