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[SOLVED] Matrice Theme - Editing Checkout / cart process & registration

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I have another problem with the Matrice Theme that I can't figure out.


When clicking log in at the top and going to the checkout & registration section of the site I have a few things I want to edit, only text not visual but I can't find a module to configure or anything which allows you to do this, is it a file I need to edit instead?


If you go to the following link I can point out what I need to change:


Warning: This link does contain some adult content



The grey banner that says Secure payments etc I need to change the contact on this and the delivery.


And then when trying to register it only allows for you to pick United States and then a state but this is going to be a UK only site so I need it to be only UK and then select a city instead of state.


If someone can let me know how to do this that would be brilliant and greatly appreciated.


And thank you for helping me with my other thread.



- Emma

Edited by Mike Kranzler
Only one issue per thread please. (see edit history)
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Hi Mike,


Looks like that is the right file but how do I change it to just UK and add the UK cities?


This is the code I found:


<label for="id_country">{l s='Country'}</label>
  <select name="id_country" id="id_country">
   <option value="">-</option>
   {foreach from=$countries item=v}
   <option value="{$v.id_country}" {if ($sl_country == $v.id_country)} selected="selected"{/if}>{$v.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</option>
 <p class="required id_state select">
  <label for="id_state">{l s='State'}</label>
  <select name="id_state" id="id_state">
   <option value="">-</option>

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Hi Emma,

Changing the cities and countries is a separate issue, and per the rules of the PrestaShop forums, only one issue is permitted per thread. Please let me know if my suggestion for the contact phone number works for you, and create a new thread for the other issue.



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Hi Mike,


I have figured it out!


In the authentication file it said:

<div id="order-detail-content" class="table_block">
{include file="$tpl_dir./order-steps.tpl"}


So I knew it was in order-steps.tpl and it is so I can change the banners text there.




Edited by Mike Kranzler
Please post each issue as a separate thread. (see edit history)
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Hi Emma,

As I said before, the rules of the PrestaShop forums dictate that you must post each individual issue as a separate thread. I will go ahead and mark this thread as solved for you, and if you would like help on the other issue please post a new thread for it. Happy selling!



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