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Stock check and information on products page HELP

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Ok I have several things I need help with.

I have products in my shop that are not actual stock products, they are services, and things made on order.
How do I manage these in matters of stock?
I now put 0 as stock and allow orders, but then when someone orders, they receive an e-mail that it's out of stock!
I can't put off the e-mail sending and can't put of the stock count, as I do have other items that need stock check.
I thought of putting the stock count to a high number for these products, but then i would need the informatio on the products page to hide the stock number availability. I don't want to put it off for all, as the other products should still show their availability!

More on stock information.
I have this other product that comes in different sizes, and so has different availabilities.
Now when you select an available size, it shows for example "2 items in stock - Warning, last items in stock".
But when you then select an unavailable size it keeps the above information and adds out of stock info, for example:
" Availability: Out of Stock - You will be noticed of delivery time.
2 item in stock items in stock
Warning: Last items in stock!"

You can find it here:

I also wouldn't mind leaving out the "warning: last items in stock!"

To build on to the first product; I would like the customer to pay a percentage of the total amount of that product first, than after a while the rest of it. (20% to start to design, then the rest to start the printing).
Does anyone know how to work around this? For now we only work with bank transfer, so I guess this is possible when adding order statusses and adding the right e-mails being send to the client. But when paypal comes in to the play, I wonder how I would do that.

I know a bunch of help needed, maybe too much, but have to ask! ; )

thanks alot

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