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[SOLVED] issue with velvetsky

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Hi Queenfan,

In your theme's product_list.css file, remove the following code:


overflow: hidden;


and replace

float: left;



display: inline-block;


Once you've done that, clear your browser's cache, set Force Compile to Yes and Cache to no in your Back Office under Preferences > Performance, reload the page and let me know if that works for you!


- Mike

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Hi Queenfan,

In your theme's product_list.css file, remove the following code:


overflow: hidden;


and replace

float: left;



display: inline-block;


Once you've done that, clear your browser's cache, set Force Compile to Yes and Cache to no in your Back Office under Preferences > Performance, reload the page and let me know if that works for you!


- Mike


it works, great, but now the new button overflow the menu right above.

See the photo.

Where can i lower the products?

many thanks


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