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Better CSV Sample?

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Does anyone have a CSV sample file for uploading products that details what each column should have in it to provide the database with the maximum amount of data, the sameple one has this x,y,z...) nonsense which doesnt give enough info.


I am looking at exactly what needs to be in the Image URL's columns to automatically add the correct images.


I emailed support 3 days ago and havent had a reply at all yet.....



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Hi PinnacleSupplies,

To what email address did you send your message? Our team is currently overhauling our support systems to prevent this sort of thing from happening, so I would be happy to try to look into why you have not heard back yet.




Hi Mike, all due respect, but I'd like to resolve my problem first before looking to resolve yours :-)


I used to support link on the site, it had a form which I filled out and clicked send.

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I already posted above the sample one isnt detailed enough, it doesnt describe exactly how to input the image detail or how to format the categories and sub categories correctly.


It has things like x,y,z... but doesnt go on the say what x,y or z actually means.



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If you save the following text as a .csv file it should work:


"ID";"Active (0/1)";"Name *";"Categories (x,y,z...)";"Price tax excl.";"Tax rules ID";"Wholesale price";"On sale (0/1)";"Discount amount";"Discount percent";"Discount from (yyyy-mm-dd)";"Discount to (yyyy-mm-dd)";"Reference #";"Supplier reference #";"Supplier";"Manufacturer";"EAN13";"UPC";"Ecotax";"Weight";"Quantity";"Short description";"Description";"Tags (x,y,z...)";"Meta-title";"Meta-keywords";"Meta-description";"URL rewritten";"Text when in stock";"Text when backorder allowed";"Available for order";"Product creation date";"Show price";"Image URLs (x,y,z...)";"Delete existing images (0 = No, 1 = Yes)";"Feature";"Available online only";"Condition"
;0;"Simon Art Letter Set Bicycle";"Letter Sets, Simon Art";01-02-49;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;53;2;"Pretty stationery by Simon Art Korea for writing letters. This set includes 6 sheets and 3 envelopes. Sheet size 17x25cm.";;"letter set, simon art";;"pretty stationery, writing letters, simon art letter set";"Pretty stationery by Simon Art Korea for writing letters. A letter set with 6 sheets and 3 envelopes.";"pretty-stationery-simon-art-bicycle";;;1;;1;"http://www.lettersets.com/images/lettersets/simonart/2012/large/bicycle.jpg";1;;;

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