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I'm trying to override the Identity controller in order to add some extra info user data form in identity.tpl (e.g. I want to add the comments made by a user on some products from the shop )!


I'm doing it by the book, following the instructions given in the documentation of prestashop 1.5, but still no good results (actually it doesn't add the content that I want to be added).


Can some one give me some advices?


Thank you!

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Are you overriding it the same way as you have done in 1.4? It is different. Also something that Tomer pointed out to me is that there is a bug in the override in 1.5rc1. It will only let one module override a controller.

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Are you overriding it the same way as you have done in 1.4? It is different. Also something that Tomer pointed out to me is that there is a bug in the override in 1.5rc1. It will only let one module override a controller.


Actually I'm doing the override like is specified in Prestashop 1.5 documentation! In my module I'm creating 2 controllers which extends ModuleFrontController, but when I try to override IdentityController to add some extra text on the "Personal information"it doesn't work (and I tried in many ways, yet with no success )!


I attached a photo to show you the controllers that I use: in account.php andprofile.php I'm overriding ModuleFrontController and in Indentity ControllerI'm trying to override the IdentityControllerCore :)!


But I sincerely thank you for your reply :)


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