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Pozdrav svima.


Pre neki dan sam počeo da koristim PrestaShop™, i mogu prilično da se snađem. Al' to nije kao kada radite na svom maternjem jeziku. Milsim da se većina slaže sa mnom. Ovaj CMS je jedan od boljih koji sam video i vrlo mi izgleda privlačano.


Pa sam na osnovu svega toga hteo da pitam nekog, da li bi mogao da mi pošalje na E-mail ili da ostavi u temi prevod na Srpskom jeziku u latiničnoj verziji? (Kako bi mogli da skinu ljudi i Bosne i Hercegovine i iz Hrvatske.)


Video sam dve teme sa ovakvim naslovom poput naslova ove teme. Mada ni jedan jedini link za download prevoda na Srpski ne radi. Tačnije izbacuje 404 error. Kako god se okrene, tih fajlova nema više na tim linkovima.


Hvala u napred!


Nemanja Jeremić





E-mail: [email protected]

Fb: www.fb.com/bleya

Edited by ZelenY94 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cao Nemanja,

a šta kažeš da izdelimo delove i da napravimo novi prevod. Ja radim u verziji i počeo bih da prevodim takođe. Ako ima još zainteresovanih dajte da izdelimo na 4-5 delova i da to odradimo sve brzo.





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  • 1 month later...

Imate hrvatski gotovo kompletan prevod dostupan (hr.gzip). Sam softver ima mogućnost kopiranja iz jednog jezika u drugi. Mislim da će vam lakše biti ispraviti male razlike između hrvatskog i srpskog nego krenuti od nule. Ja ću vjerojatno ovih dana kompletirati hrvatski prevod za (objavljena verzija je za i nije kompletna).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Svi koji su voljni da pomognu da se napravi prevod na Srpski za verziju 1.5 mogu da koriste ovaj link:


Google Docs - Prevod na Srpski


To je link na tabelu sa svim stringovima u zvaničnoj distribuciji, evo objašnjenja koje sam dobio:


Hello Sinisa,


Thank you very much for your offer to help us with the translation of PrestaShop into Serbian! This is very much needed as the Serbian translations are very incomplete unfortunately... But more and more people are willing to help and I think together we can make things progress fast!


We are using google docs to host the translations because it enables several people to work at the same time and to discuss the translation related issues and get help if needed.

Here is the link for Serbian: https://docs.google.com/a/prestashop.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApCSKdI1hgZUdFdmdm0zeUt1S0pWSkpiWEdPZ1c2ZFE#gid=0

You do not need a google account to access this document but it is better if you use one because that way we can identify who is connected!


Here is how it works :


The Google Doc contains the strings corresponding to your language.


The column to fill is the column "translation" (usually the "G" column).


The "status" column allows you to filter the translations. It can take 5 different values :

- exact : the string exactly corresponds to the previous versions.

- displaced : the string was identical in the previous versions, but in another file.

- approx : the string is identical to a string which had already been translated (not considering the case and punctuation). So it may be good to check if the translation is correct but it should be the case most of the time.

- keychange : the english string was refactored - this generally doesn't affect the translation but it might be worth a look

- missing : the string must be translated.


Summary :

- exact : you can generally ignore, but if you notice an error you can correct it.

- displaced & approx : you can quickly have a look to check them.

- missing : strings to translate.


If it can help you (to apply filters, for example), you can change this column like you want after having made a translation.


Important note :

The variables (%d, %s, %1$s ...) used in the strings must not be deleted like in the strings :

"There are %d errors."

"To use the CacheFS directory %s must be writable."


The translations of the modules that are not used in your country have been removed.


Thanks a lot for your help, I really hope to see PrestaShop 100% translated in Serbian soon :)


Please be aware that other people may also work on these translations. Please respect their work and do not hesitate to let us know if you encounter any problem.


Best regards,







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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Sve strucnjak do strucnjaka, toliko ste usrali prevod da nemam reci, pola cirilica pola latinica, greska more, da dunav ne može da vas opere..bruka i sramota..sto radite nesto sto ne znate, kurta i murta prevode i to jako lose..cast izuzetcima...

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  • 1 month later...

Samo da pitam, da ne otvaram novu temu: da li je moguce i kako postaviti za front office da bude default srpski jezik. Trenutno mi otvara na srpskom na racunarima na kojima je OS na srpskom, a kad otvori na engleskom pa prebacim na srpski on svaki sledeci put otvara na srpskom zbog cookija. Ne dozvoljava mi da promenim default jezik, probao sam i da deaktiviram engleski pa da ostane samo srpski aktivan ali ne moze ni to. U pitanju je prestahop verzija

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