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How to import third level category from .csv

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First apologise for my bad english,i will try to explain as better i can.I'm trying to import products from a .csv files , and i need to import products in a third level category , something like this :


- Principal category

----- Brand

----------- Product of that brand


How can i do that using a .csv file import?


Thanks for helping me , best regards

Edited by Arakiss (see edit history)
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Hello Arakiss,


Yes, it is possible to create categories on a fly. In order to import category tree while your product import you need to indicate the whole path in .csv file and import it with the help of Store Manager for PrestaShop application:



In your case you need to have the following column with whole category tree in your .csv file:


Principal category|Brand|Product of that brand


, where pipe symbol is delimiter that you have to specify while importing and the product will be imported into "Product of that brand" category.


What is more, you can assign products to multiple categories or sub categories. All you need to do is to indicate


Principal category|Brand|Product of that brand||Any other parent category|SubCategory|Third level category


In This case double pipe is used to indicate that this product should be assigned to 2 categories - "Product of that brand" and "Third level category"


In case you have categories in separate columns in .csv file, it is easy to merge them with & operator in Excel.

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Yes, it is possible to create categories on a fly.

Alas, not what the OP is asking. S/he wants to list products of a category as if they were the sub-catogories of that category in the categories menu:


iPod Touch <- a product
iPod Shuffle <- another product

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yes you can


first import categories in levels... ( check out Parent ID )


then import your products on the ID of the third level category

Category import:


1 is always home, dont mention him in csv ..

2 brand 1

3 brand 2

4 brand 4

10 model 1 of brand 1 , parent ID : 2

11 model 2 of brand 1 , parent ID : 2


Product import:


Product 1 , Category ID: 10

Product 2 , Category ID : 10

Edited by AswinC (see edit history)
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Alas, not what the OP is asking. S/he wants to list products of a category as if they were the sub-catogories of that category in the categories menu:


Yes, that's exactly what I meant. Just will explain it in other words. On the basic of your example, category tree from .csv file should be the following:

Principal category|Brand|Product of that brand

It will look like


Principal category
	   Product of that brand <- a product

A number of levels can be bigger or less.


Let me know if I understood your comment correctly.

Edited by Maria Kvasnytska (see edit history)
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k sry understood your question now.... and that is NOT possible.


unless you make 1 category for 1 product but I don't know why you should do that.


eather way to buildup a hierarchy logical category - product

Make an excel for category import

and make up the ID's yourself



- main A
 -- A1
 --- Prod1
 --- Prod2
 -- A2
 --- Prod3
 --- Prod4
 -- A3
 --- Prod5
 --- Prod6
 - main B
 -- B1
 -- B2
 --- Prod7
 - main C

Cateogy import csv looks like:
ID  ;  name  ; Parent ID
2 ; main A  ; 1  ( 1 is home )
3 ; main B  ; 1
4 ; main C  ; 1
10; A1 ; 2
11; A2;  2
12; A3;  2
13; B1 ; 3
14; B2; 3

Product import csv look like:
ID ; name ; category
1 ; Prod 1; 10
2; Prod 2; 10
3; Prod 3, 11
4; Prod 4; 11
5; Prod 5 ; 12

Edited by AswinC (see edit history)
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