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How to configured FedEx to use FedEx Development Mode?

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I realize that the FedEx module for PrestaShop is "mature" enough that *it* doesn't need to be tested with FedEx. However, I have to evaluate the PrestaShop software as a "full solution" before deciding if it will be the software that gets used. In order to do that, I have to be able to link to the FedEx "sandbox" area for testing the site as I do not currently have a production ID (nor will I obtain one until the site is ready to go live).


I have tried editing the "https://gateway.fedex.com:441/web-services/rate" URL in the WSDL and pointing it to "https://wsbeta.fedex.com:443/web-services" and using my test ID information. This does not work, and I receive Authentication Failure issues.


In my opinion, there absolutely MUST be an option coded into the FedEx module that allows users to switch between Test / Sandbox and Production mode, but I'll settle for knowing what code changes to make instead.


Any help would be greatly apprecaited, especially considering I can't even find out how to log the communications and see what it's actually sending (and where).

Edited by ember1205 (see edit history)
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