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My online store is up and running, and all is working ok until this morning when I tried to upload some new products.


I use a Third Party programe to manage my combinations called Store Commander.


For some reason now, I can upload products perfectly from the back end, and add images through Store Commander, but when I upload a new combinations CSV through the back end, it doesn't recognise my current attributes (which match with current products which work fine, and creates new Size and Colour attributes, albeit in their proper attribute groups.


For example, I have a colour black, but when I upload a new combinations CSV to a new product, it creates a new black, and a new size and never seems to end.


By this I mean once it has created these new attributes, it goes back and creates them again and again for every product until I have to cancel the CSV upload.


Also, in my back end I have just noticed the following error under the combinations tab:


: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in


on line



This means I can't even manage the combinations properly from the back end.


Can anyone help?


Using prestashop

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Hi Mike,


Do you think so? Because from my perspective, the problem seems to be coming from the back end as that is what is creating the endless combinations until I have to force stop it. It's only through Store Commander that I find out it is creating all of the combinations and not respecting the attributes which the other products use.



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Hi Mike,


Do you think so? Because from my perspective, the problem seems to be coming from the back end as that is what is creating the endless combinations until I have to force stop it. It's only through Store Commander that I find out it is creating all of the combinations and not respecting the attributes which the other products use.




I believe so, because the combinations are being created through there and this is not normal PrestaShop behavior. Store Commander's team would be the best to tell you for sure though.



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Sorry Mike I think you misunderstand. I don't touch Store Commander until I have created and uploaded the combinations CSV and uploaded it through the back end. And in the back end it is creating duplicate colors and sizes which I have already made for the products that are currently on my site. I.E I have a Color:Black which I have defined each new product to have in the CSV, but when I upload that CSV through the back end, it is creating a new Black, without a swatch which doesn't appear to link to the current black at all.

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Sorry Mike I think you misunderstand. I don't touch Store Commander until I have created and uploaded the combinations CSV and uploaded it through the back end. And in the back end it is creating duplicate colors and sizes which I have already made for the products that are currently on my site. I.E I have a Color:Black which I have defined each new product to have in the CSV, but when I upload that CSV through the back end, it is creating a new Black, without a swatch which doesn't appear to link to the current black at all.


In that case, there may be an error within your CSV file. Please compare it to the sample versions provided within the Back Office under Tools > CSV Import to see if there is something which can be improved on your upload.



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Hi again Mike,


below is a sample line from my CSV. As you can see there is nothing there that can cause any problems.

Any thoughts would be very well received!



10001 Color:Black;Size:S


So if I already have a color:black and a size:s, why is it creating new ones and not respecting what is already there?

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