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Adding an existing module to a new hook

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Ive created a new hook and I want to add an existing module (blocktopmenu) to that hook.

The hook's name is: topMenu

Ive added this to blocktopmenu.php:

public function hookTopMenu($param)
global $smarty;
  $smarty->assign('MENU_SEARCH', Configuration::get('MOD_BLOCKTOPMENU_SEARCH'));
  $smarty->assign('MENU', $this->_menu);
  $smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);
  return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocktopmenu.tpl');


Ive added the module to the new hook in Modules --> Position.


Then Ive added this to override/classes/FrontController.php:

function displayHeader(){ parent::displayHeader();
'HOOK_HEADER' => Module::hookExec('header'),
'HOOK_TOP' => Module::hookExec('top'),
'HOOK_TOP_MENU' => Module::hookExec('topMenu'),
'HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN' => Module::hookExec('leftColumn')

Finally in themes/mytheme/header.tpl I have:

<div class="my_top_menu">{$HOOK_TOP_MENU}</div>

But nothing happens... the output is:

<div class="my_top_menu"></div>

Any idea how to get it ?


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what is the content of 'blocktopmenu.tpl'?

Ive put a dummy text...

This is the menu


What is the content of override/classes/FrontController.php? Only code that you post in this topic? Nothing like FrontController extends FrontControllerCore etc?


The full content is:



class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore {
	public function setMedia() {

		* Use Google Libraries API to host jQuery
		global $js_files;
		$index = array_search(_PS_JS_DIR_ . 'jquery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js', $js_files);
		if ($index !== false){
			array_splice($js_files, $index, 1, array('//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js'));
		} else {
			$js_files[] = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js';
	function displayHeader(){

			'HOOK_HEADER' => Module::hookExec('header'),
			'HOOK_TOP' => Module::hookExec('top'),
			'HOOK_TOP_MENU' => Module::hookExec('topMenu'),
			'HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN' => Module::hookExec('leftColumn')


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I observe that if I put this:



public function hooktopMenu($param)
   global $smarty;
   $smarty->assign('MENU_SEARCH', Configuration::get('MOD_BLOCKTOPMENU_SEARCH'));
   $smarty->assign('MENU', $this->_menu);
   $smarty->assign('this_path', $this->_path);

   $length = $this->display(__FILE__, 'blocktopmenu.tpl');
   echo "LENGTH:".strlen($length);
   return $length;


It displays:




but the code isnt display where I put {$HOOK_TOP_MENU} :(

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ok, If I put this:

'HOOK_TOP_MENU' => Module::hookExec('topMenu'),





it works.


but it doesnt work if I put in:



It looks like override isnt working... I noticed that override doesnt work if I modify a module content in themes/mytheme/modules/anymodule/anymodule.tpl


Im a prestashop noob... any idea how to get override working ?



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It looks like override isnt working... I noticed that override doesnt work if I modify a module content in themes/mytheme/modules/anymodule/anymodule.tpl


Im a prestashop noob... any idea how to get override working ?




Some modules when you put them within themes directory and overrided them worked by default.

However, as for using blocktopmenu module -i.e putting it in the modules folder within mytheme's directory , it doesn't appear even at the BO.


It only appears on BO modules list in "other modules" after I made a copy into the root /modules/blocktopmenu. ( I used prestashop1.4.8.2 and blocktopmenu version 1.3)

Edited by halennoor (see edit history)
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