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No dynamic categories

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I created a program to insert a 10000 products and update the products into prestashop.

As I was developing and testing, suddenly the categories didn't show up anymore.

So i truncated the categoeires and products and started all over again.

But still nothing. Now I found a problem andfixed it andfor now i see the categories but only when i turn of the dynamic function of the categories.


What I did:

TRUNCATE ps_category;
TRUNCATE ps_category_lang;
TRUNCATE ps_category_group;
TRUNCATE ps_category_product;
TRUNCATE ps_image;
TRUNCATE ps_image_lang;
TRUNCATE ps_product;
TRUNCATE ps_product_lang;
INSERT INTO ps_category (id_category, id_parent, level_depth, nleft, nright, active, date_add, date_upd, position) VALUES
(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW(), 0);
INSERT INTO ps_cms_category_lang (`id_cms_category`, `id_lang`, `name`, `description`, `link_rewrite`, `meta_title`, `meta_keywords`,
`meta_description`) VALUES (1, 1, 'home', '', 'home', '', '', '');
INSERT INTO ps_category_group (id_category, id_group) VALUES (1, 1);


As far as I can see, this must be correct... Or am I mistaken??




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