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[SOLVED] PayPal Module Won'y Accept Customers Visa Card

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I have a store that uses the PayPal module to process customer's credit cards. A customer of mine called and said that my store would not accept the credit card. He received the error:


"The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different credit or debit card number"


It is a Visa Debit Card, and he has plenty of money in the account. We processed his card through a regular terminal with no problems.


Does anyone know whats up with the PayPal Module that would cause such an error? We can't have customers being turned away when their debit cards are declined for no reason.


Any help would be extremely appreciated.



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Hi Jim,

This is an error message on PayPal's end that occurs when the user already has another PayPal account set up with that specific card. A credit card can only be associated with a single PayPal account, so if he is using a second account, it will throw that error.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike,


Thank you for the quick response.


The customer said he was using a Bank Debit Card. He is not logging into PayPal. He is simply paying with the debit card. It should just be processed as a debit card payment and not have anything to do with PayPal. Right? It is not a Pay Pal Debit Card.



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Hi Mike,


Thank you for the quick response.


The customer said he was using a Bank Debit Card. He is not logging into PayPal. He is simply paying with the debit card. It should just be processed as a debit card payment and not have anything to do with PayPal. Right? It is not a Pay Pal Debit Card.




If it's associated with a PayPal account, he must use that account to pay using that card when paying through the PayPal module. If he wants to use that card without logging into his PayPal account, you should offer him an alternative payment gateway such as Allied Wallet or Authorize.net.



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