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Add attribute kilos of the same product in basket

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I want to know if it is possible to add the attributes of a product in the basket and I see the product attributes together and not normally appear. Ie .. I have a product and various attributes ..


Product: tomatoes

Features: 1 kilo, 2 kilos 3 kilos, 4 kilos.


what normally happens is that when you add to cart 1 kilo of tomatoes I get to the basket:

Kilo tomatoes 1 1 --- 10 euros


Now if I want to add more tomatoes, for example 2 kilos more .. I pulled another line:

Kilo tomatoes 1 1 --- 10 euros

Tomatoes 2 1 --- 20 euros Kilos


I want is that when I add the same product attributes kilo .. for example:


1 tomato 3 kilos --- 30 euros


all on one line and attributes added kilos and the price .. I await your response guys.

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thanks for the reply tomerg3. You have given me an idea and I have changed the way of representing the quantity and I've been touching the code a little, so when finished I will write it here..

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