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create shops automatically

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I am trying to create shops automatically: the users fill a form and they obtain a shop with an with an administrator user.

First i tried to create with the shop web service. I had a few problems: the shop was created without any modules, then the site does not render; the shop was created without web services asociated, then i can not create a employee with the web services.


Knowing that, i modified Shop::add for do the extra things: import data from a template shop; create a url for the shop; and create an admin employee. Maybe is not the best place or the best way, but i am starting with prestashop and it looks the easiest place.


My problem now is that is the smarty does not update well: i only can enter in the home, and all the links are wrong. if i clean the smarty cache, it works fine for the shop recently created, but if i create a new shop i have the same problem


¿Any Idea?


I have not publish this in the bug tracker, because maybe i commite a mistake.

This is the code


public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false)
 $idTemplate = 0;

 // if is a web service and i want to create using other shop for impor data
 if (Tools::getValue('xml') && Tools::getValue('template')) {
  // obtener la tienda de la que se importaran datos

  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'shop s WHERE (s.name = \'' . Tools::getValue('template') . '\') ORDER BY id_shop LIMIT 1';
  if ($results = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql))
foreach ($results as $row) {
 $idTemplate = $row['id_shop'];

 $this->id_shop_group = $row['id_shop_group'];
 $this->id_category = $row['id_category'];
 $this->id_theme = $row['id_theme'];

 $res = parent::add($autodate, $null_values);

 // if the shop have been created and i am importing data
 if ( $res && $idTemplate != 0) {
  // import all the data
  $tables_import = array( // Transportistas
		'carrier' => true,
		'country' => true,
		'currency' => true,
		'lang' => true,
		'module' => true,
		'hook_module' => true,
		'meta_lang' => true,
		'scene' => true,
		'webservice_account' => true,
		'attribute_group' => true,
		'feature' => true,
  $this->copyShopData($idTemplate, $tables_import);

  // automatically associate a url for the shop
  $shopUrl = new ShopUrl();
  $shopUrl->id_shop = $this->id;
  $shopUrl->domain = 'localhost';
  $shopUrl->domain_ssl = 'localhost';
  $shopUrl->physical_uri = '/prestashop/';
  $shopUrl->virtual_uri = 'shop/' . $this->name;
  $shopUrl->main = 1;
  $shopUrl->active = $this->active;


  // si ha habido algun error se devuelve
  $resUrl = $shopUrl->add();
  if (!$resUrl) {
return $resUrl;

  // copy from AdminShopUrlController::processEdit


 return $res;

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