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Bank wire automatically change order status

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Has anyone enhanced this function in Prestashop?


The scenario will be like,

- Bill buys an latest iPhone 4s using BankWire payment module

- Then Bill forgets to wire the money

- 2days later, Prestashop 'automatically' sends out first reminder email to Bill

- 2days after the first payment reminder, Prestashop 'automatically' sends out second reminder email to Bill

- Then third payment reminder, and so forth. (limit to 4 payment reminders)


Apparently I do this automatically, and it's getting so annoying when I do get a lot of orders.



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Our team has finally managed to enhance the Bankwire core codes. Let me know if you are interested in this project.




adriansuwito, I'd be interested. what did you change? I understand that there is no link between the module and my bank but indeed I would appreciate if the module sent out reminders as long as I did not manually set the status to 'payment received'.



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