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Need to get country name in order-carrier.tpl

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hii guys,


trying to add a custom message in order-carrier.tpl file. (The page which shows the shipping carriers selection , which comes rite after confirming the delivery address)


basically just a message "Your delivery address seems out of US, please call us on 086 XXX XXX"



now in order to do this i am trying to get the country name (as entered in the delivery address in the previous page. but cant somehow get the variable onto order-carrier.tpl.


this is so that i can check if the country name in delivery address is outside US and then i can make this message appear ONLY IF it is outside the US.


if someone could tell me how i can get the variable for the delivery address on this page, i might be able to do the rest.


any guidance on this would really be helpful, as i am new to prestashop and not yet completely used to it.




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you would want to get access to cart variable, which will have the id_address_delivery.


you would typically do this by overriding the OrderController, determining what country is associated to the delivery address and then adding a variable to smarty to that control your message to be displayed.

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thanks for the quick reply,


well basically i am working on prestashop for the first time so not exactly sure how i would get access to cart variable by overriding,


if you could just guide me a little on getting the value inside $delivery->country(on the previous delivery address selection page) into the order-carrier.tpl page it would do the job.


-- i've already added the message, now just need to get the variable value and then i could add the condition and the rest of the process.

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i've just found that this variable is basically the one used in order-addresses.tpl {$delivery->country|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}


just need the same variable value in order-carrier.tpl


even if i could create a global variable for the time bring and just access the value, i think it should work.


anyone knows how to get the value of the variable from the former file to the second one.

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