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Add a new Catalog in the admin

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Hi, I am working with Prestashop, I've installed the version 1.5 and I'm trying to add a new catalog in the admin but I don't know how to do it. I have read the prestashop's documentation but I haven't found about this.


I know I will have to add a new controller but I need to a little help . :D


Does somebody know how to do it?




I'm mexican and my english is not very well.

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Why would you need a new catalog?

The multistore functionality gives you acces to multiple root categories.

Theoretically, if you want a new tree for other things than categories/products - thus an entire new catalog of things, you would need more than a controller -> database tables for the taxonomy of the new things and the tables for this new things, controllers, models, views and traductions.

By the way, if you just need a new tree for categories you could simply add a new category and check the root category checkbox.

Edited by urecheatu007 (see edit history)
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We have a customer, he needs to add branches to classify customers. First, the admin will add some branches in the new catalog, and then in the front-end when a customer creates his account he must choose a branch.


For this reason we would need a new catalog (Branches). It will help us to classify customers by branch.

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We have a customer, he needs to add branches to classify customers. First, the admin will add some branches in the new catalog, and then in the front-end when a customer creates his account he must choose a branch.


For this reason we would need a new catalog (Branches). It will help us to classify customers by branch.

And the customer groups does not fit the bill?

You know you can put customers in different groups and have different prices etc etc.

I am not being sarcastic, Prestashop already has a customer classification system built-in.

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And the customer groups does not fit the bill? You know you can put customers in different groups and have different prices etc etc. I am not being sarcastic, Prestashop already has a customer classification system built-in.

Ok. I have checked your recomendation about the customer groups, I think it will resolve my problem.

Thanks a lot for your help.


Now, in the customer groups I am trying to add a new field, the field is description. I have added the field in the form but the value is not saving in database.



I added the new field in the array $this->fields_list and and $this->fields_form(the class is AdminGroups) and I 've added in the table ps_group.


Do you know what else I need to add?

I don't know what happening.

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If you look in the database, you will see that the name for the group in in the group_lang table, so i think that the description should go in that table. As a rule, in the prestashop database every string type field (by definition language dependent) is in the _lang table for that entity.

Try adding the description field in the group_lang (or prefix_group_lang). For easier reference you could "mirror" the name field, only using a areafield instead of a textfield for input and it should work, and remember to make all your modifications in the override folder, not directly on the core files.

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If you look in the database, you will see that the name for the group in in the group_lang table, so i think that the description should go in that table. As a rule, in the prestashop database every string type field (by definition language dependent) is in the _lang table for that entity. Try adding the description field in the group_lang (or prefix_group_lang). For easier reference you could "mirror" the name field, only using a areafield instead of a textfield for input and it should work, and remember to make all your modifications in the override folder, not directly on the core files.


I have done you said me and it is already working, I made all modifications in the override folder too.

Thanks a lot for your help again.


Have a nice day!

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