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No Paypal redirect within Joomla iframe wrapper

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Hello community,

I have a problem, the paypal 3.0 module is working now (at least sandbox mode), I can use it from the prestashop frontpage

BUT I want to have the prestashop displayed in a Joomla 2.5 iframe wrapper. So far so good, everything is displayed correctly however directly after redirecting, I get a "blank" page, empty Joomla template without anything left from the shop.



Both sandbox mode with proper sandbox account and normal/live settings with real account give me a

freeze when clicking pay with paypal/confirm payment, the "loading... popup" comes up and thats it, no nothing.

No error message, no redirect to paypal.



Paypal 3.0


Any thoughts?



so FF doesn't give an error message.

IE says, content can't displayed in a frame, security reasons and stuff. Makes sense.

Where can I force opening an extra window on the paypal confirm click, outside of the joomla iframe wrapper, _blank ?




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can someone help me edit that final click link target? I suppose it is in the payment.tpl adding target="_blank"

to line 28

<a href="{$base_dir_ssl}modules/paypal/payment/submit.php" target="_blank" title="{l s='Pay with PayPal' mod='paypal'}">

didn't help..


Is the paypal plan advanced, enough to enable iframe support, or do I need a Pro account, I read there it is working.

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Paypal and SSL really dont like being framed. Your _blank link might be having problems because of the new page not correctly passing the variables. I would suggest instead of trying to put PS inside joomla, to modify the PS theme to look like your joomla and then put the same menuing across both the joomla and PS shop so they can go back and forth.. like in joomla put home, shop (goes to PS), about us, yada.. and in PS put home, about us linking back to the joomla. In other words.. make them seperate and link them by the navigation and theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problems. I tried a few places to try to fix the problem... tried on paypal\confirm.tpl and theme\prestashop\order-payment.tpl but failed... it seens like any changes to .tpl file is not reflected in the outcome... I tried even changing the display message and discovered that, even those changes are not reflected ....

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I solve the problem:


modify this file


\TOOLS\SMARTY\COMPILE\xxxxxxxx.FILE.PAYMENT.TPL.PHP where xxxxxxxx is generated by your SSL


added: target="_blank" to this line:


<p class="payment_module" height="">

<a href="<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('base_dir_ssl')->value;?>

modules/paypal/payment/submit.php" target="_blank" title="<?php echo smartyTranslate(array('s'=>'Pay with PayPal','mod'=>'paypal'),$_smarty_tpl);?>


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Hey david,

I am really interested in your solution but I don't seem to find the line you edited in your file. What prestashop version are you running?

I don't find any submit.php in this file.. seems like this is a dynamic file?

Would really appriciate any further help, still stuck, still waiting for the paypal account upgrade to advanced payment solution, read that this allows use of iframes on verifed site.




edit: I changed it but it didn't help. Confirm my order is still stuck "loading". (also when I try to work with amount 0.00$ it shows up like this below. With a positive amount instead of I confirm my order the paypal logo shows up (within iframe it gets redirected to the blank cms theme page, mentioned from my first post, going directly to presta's main page it is working, without the iframe..) Why is my target not working, i try to use the express checkout option, on mouse-over is always showing prestashop/en/quick-order, last click is showing up as, javascript:onclick($('#paypal_express_checkout_form').submit()), oh boy... thanks in advance!

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I am on the same PS version.

SSL cert installed and enabled PS preferences.

edit: ok .."force compile" was On, maybe that wasn't helpful.. but still it is not working as I have no "submit.php" mentioned in my file at all.



This is my xxxxx.file.payment.tpl.php after the header stuff.

Does look so different, variable is called navigation pipe and not ssl-base dir. Is that to do with language support or something? *confused* And thanks for sticking with me.



Edit: Ok, I am getting there. the File to modify is maybe the xxxxx.file.PAYPAL.tpl.php and not xxxxx.file.payment.tpl.php ? Now it is opening a new window on the click but not redirecting to paypal haha.. blank page.. and only in FF not opening a window in IE, strange.


<p class="payment_module">
<a href="javascript:onclick($('#paypal_express_checkout_form').submit())" target="_blank" title="<?php echo smartyTranslate(array('s'=>'Pay with PayPal','mod'=>'paypal'),$_smarty_tpl);?>

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It looks to me your file is more like the "xxxx.file.confirm.tpl" in my directory.


But it is ok. As the calling method is now in "<form>" so look for this line below and add target="_blank":


<form action="<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->getVariable('submit_express_checkout')->value;?>

" method="POST" target="_blank">


It should still work, except now, a new window is open when you hit the button "I confirm my order".


I haven't test this, let me know if this work.


If you still want to open a new window when hitting the "Paypal", do a search for text "Pay with your PayPal account" for files in the "\TOOLS\SMARTY\COMPILE\" directory and follow my earlier step.

Edited by davidtiong (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Sounds interesting, will look into that.

Thank you for your message.


edit: ah, not online yet that component... and let me guess I would have to buy it?!

I am looking for a free integration of course..



@david thanks for your continouse posts, actually I gave up on some point and ditched joomla over a site only having the prestashop.



In the end i ditched joomla and use prestashop only, papal module and prestashop work well right now.

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