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[SOLVED] Product Variation Lists - Will only list in alphabetical order?

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I am having a web store built for me using prestashop. I have been having problems when listing products variations. They will only appear in alphabetical order. Unlike other functions on the site such as categories and product listings I can use an arrow key to move them them into the order I choose.


As an example when listing a t-shirt I want the variations list to show like this:


Extra Small




Extra Large


& not how prestashop reorganises them:


Extra Large

Extra Small





This seems like such a simple oversight in the system, having used other such software before this has not been an issue. I am currently paying a developer to sort out a few issues and although we have managed to get them to list in the order they were first submitted, it looks like more work (and inevitably more money) is needed to be done so that should I need to add new variations to an existing variation list in future I won't need to create the variations lists all over again or suffer having them in an unordered manor because I have no arrow key to re order them.


Can anyone offer any advice or a contact number for prestashop in the uk?


Thanks in advance.

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