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406 Not Acceptable

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Hi pureclothings,

I just created a brand-new account on your site, logged out, cleared my browser's cache and cookies and then logged back in with no issues or error messages. Are there any other steps I should be taking in order to replicate this error?



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Don't know how that problem occured. It's still not working here and in Netherlands too. I googled about it and most of it showed it's the problem of mod security. Do you have any idea about it?


Have you already tried this on multiple computers and browsers?



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Since I hadnt seen one of these before, I thought I would share what that error means.. here is the w3c definition..


10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable


The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.

Unless it was a HEAD request, the response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of available entity characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. Depending upon the format and the capabilities of the user agent, selection of the most appropriate choice MAY be performed automatically. However, this specification does not define any standard for such automatic selection.

Note: HTTP/1.1 servers are allowed to return responses which are

not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the

request. In some cases, this may even be preferable to sending a

406 response. User agents are encouraged to inspect the headers of

an incoming response to determine if it is acceptable.



Just thought Id toss that in here for bread crumbs.

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