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Free local shipping

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Hi. We would like to offer free local shipping for heavy items only. The weight range is between 80 - 1250 kgs. Being as we are delivering these items ourselves we do not wish to travel beyond the NR (uk) postcode. All other items have been set up to use Royal Mail.


Any thoughts would be appreciated. we have spent some time searching prestashop forums and modules and we're beginning to wonder if it's possible...

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Yes, it is possible. We have a module that will assist you with doing this--



If you choose to purchase the module follow these steps:


1- Install Retrospect

2- Create a user group 'Customers from NR postcode' (remember to specify

group restrictions for the newly created group under Payment tab).

3- Create a carrier 'NR postcode free shipping', make it available to the

zone in which the UK is included only and 'Customers from NR postcode' user

group only in Group access, specify zero shipping cost.

4- Create a weight range 80-1250 and assign the range to the carrier 'NR

postcode free shipping'

5- Create a Retrospect rule "If customer's postcode starts with NR add user

to group 'Customers from NR postcode'"

6- (Optional) apply the rule retrospectively if you want existing customers

to be governed by the rule.


Marty Shue

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  • 4 months later...


I just purchased and downloaded your Customer Group Retrospect module from Prestashop.com.


I'm using prestashop v1.4.8.3. I've 3 groups (picture 1) in my backend. The default group is called Default. I've set the rule in the module setting (picture 2). I want my customer go to the group that I wanted they in. When they registered. But, the module does not work as described.


It always go to the "Default" group (picture 3) first. I've to manually click on the Apply Retrospectively button then it will go to the correct group.


Please help


best regards,




Edited by myjjlim (see edit history)
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Hi Jet, I'm the President at CCD. We would be glad to assist you with our module. If you would be so kind as to go to our PrestaShop module store and submit a support ticket I will assign someone to assist you. Thanks for purchasing our module. Marty Shue


Hi Marty,


Thank you for your reply.


I just went to your site. And, has submitted the support ticket through the Contact Us form.


best regards,


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