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authorize aim module problem?

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Error, please verify the card information



Authorize.net returned a malformed response, aborted.




It was working. but i dont know why it stopped.


so I did upgrade to but still in problem.




Authorize.net AIM (Advanced Integration Method) v1.3.2 by PrestaShop


correct Login ID , Key for Authorize AIM

Billing Address and Everything match

SSL Works



Please help

Edited by kkim (see edit history)
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Hi kkim,

What sort of changes have you made to your site recently leading up to this error? Additionally, you're actually using an outdated version of the Authorize.net module. The latest version, which you can download here, is actually version 1.4.2.


I hope this helps.



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Hi kkim,

This is merely Authorize.net's default error message that the transaction was refused. Please make sure you are using your Production credentials in Production mode (you should have both Production and Sandbox credentials; don't mix them up!).


Also, please try re-entering the credentials by hand rather than copy-paste. We've seen the occasional pasting error cause issues in the past.


If that does not resolve this, you will want to check directly with Authorize.net. Their error logs should be able to provide more information.


I hope this helps.



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After getting unclear complaints from users today, we upgraded the authorizeaim module from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 and this problem is persistent even after deleting uninstalling, reinstalling, changing credentials etc...


Other payment modules work!

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I reverted back to authorize aim v1.3.2 and functionality returned.


Mike, please note that the similarities between our cases are:


1. We both upgraded from to wit authorize aim v1.3.2 installed and running.


2. My module maintained functionality while Kim's did not.


3. I updated the module after some complaints (that I now believe were user error) to v1.4.2 and ended up with the same error as Kim.


4. I disabled -> uninstalled -> deleted v1.4.2 and uploaded the old version from a backup I had.


I am back in business. I will follow this thread to see when I can upgrade. I also wonder if you will add functionality for the CIM feature of Authorize.net???

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