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Adding to cart doesn't work + INTERNAL SERVER ERROR [v]

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Hi Everyone,


I have two sets of stuff that I am experiencing problems with.


The first is when I test my site (www.qasas.co.uk) adding products to a cart it shows the following error:



TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to add the product.



Error thrown: [object XMLHttpRequest]

Text status: error


Another problem I have is the "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" which displays at the bottom of each page. This is so frustrating especially when I see that these issues where there in the previous versions.


I installed the latest one i.e the


Please Help!!

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Hi Spichill,

Who is your hosting provider? This is usually an error on their end. Specifically, the "TECHNICAL ERROR" is usually due to your server missing the php mbstring module.


I would recommend that you contact your host for more information on this.



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Hey Mike,


Thanks very much for your quick reply.


Im hosting the site in ipage.com. Ive been in touch with them a million times asking them to check the site and explain whats up with the internal server error and they're just telling me "everything is fine", so irritating.


So what shall I specifically ask them? (They're asking me to take screenshots of the pages, but im not sure that's not gonna help them figure out what my problem is tbh :P)


Thanks again for your assistance


- Spichill

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Hey Mike,


They just got back to me saying it is a script problem and as they don't manage script issues, I'll have to handle it by myself :(


Tell you what, thanks very much for your help, I think I'll just go ahead and hire a friend to fix the issue. I'll give him the link to this chat so he can see. Please if you have any idea how we can fix the above problems, let me know ;)


Cheers mate

Edited by Spichill (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm getting same problem. I think the problem occur because it has too many redirects. Please look at code below. It is from line 245 to 247 in file CartController.php

 if (!sizeof($this->errors))
  $queryString = Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('query', NULL));
  if ($queryString AND !Configuration::get('PS_CART_REDIRECT'))
  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
   // Redirect to previous page
   preg_match('!http(s?)://(.*)/(.*)!', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $regs);
   if (isset($regs[3]) AND !Configuration::get('PS_CART_REDIRECT') AND Tools::getValue('ajax') != 'true')


Everyone can help me?? please...... :((

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