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Changing homepage logo default size

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Hi all,

I want to change the default setting for the homepage logo size (currently 530 x 228)

to about half the height (i.e. 530 x 114) so I can get more featured products content onto the screen.


Searched for hours but can't seem to find a reference for this.


Can anyone assist?


Thanks Baffled

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PrestaShop 1.4's and maybe earlier set the width height of your logo based on your logo (when you upload it) and stores it in your mysql configuration table. fields SHOP_LOGO_WIDTH and SHOP_LOGO_HEIGHT. You could just try modifying these fields in your mysql database. However there is no gurantee that they will not be updated by the back office back to the original image size.


Have you tried creating a resized logo and uploading via your preferences-->appearance?

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Hi Prestashop Addict,


thanks for your post.

I tried using a smaller homepage logo (= the Apple products picture) but when I uploaded it (via appearances),it expanded the image size to the default 530 x 228.Consequently it looked pretty awful (low res).

I haven't seen any topics about this floating in Prestashop forums but am hoping someone knows how to get into the

default settings so I can reduce it's footprint.

Would be nice to have a bit more space for featured products on-screen


Thanks for your suggestions



PS I am a rank amateur working my way through Prestashop.An interesting exercise.

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make sure to check your header.tpl (youractivetheme/header.tpl) controller/frontcontroller.php call the header.tpl and will pass the w/height. please note you will need to turn off smarty compile/cache if you change any .tpl files. (preferences-->performance)


best of luck...

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