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Total price not updating with ajax on Cart summary Page

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I have one problem that I've been working on for hours and can't figure out how to solve it.


Here is the problem:

- the customer add a product to the cart

- then he goes to the cart summary page


when the customer change the number of one of the products in the list, ajax update everything except the total price.


Please see the attachment for reference.

My PS version is


and on opera i am getting this error


[5/22/1972 12:36:08 PM] JavaScript - https://www.example.com/store/order

Unknown thread

Uncaught exception: TypeError: 'price.toFixed' is not a function

Error thrown at line 98, column 10 in formatCurrency(price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank) in https://www.example.com/store/themes/new/cache/34465a8563e87d390867d99c0d332c60.js:


called from line 300, column 1 in updateCartSummary(json) in https://www.example.com/store/themes/new/cache/34465a8563e87d390867d99c0d332c60.js:


called from line 235, column 0 in <anonymous function: success>(jsonData) in https://www.example.com/store/themes/new/cache/34465a8563e87d390867d99c0d332c60.js:


called via Function.prototype.call() from line 7, column 20246 in <anonymous function: handleSuccess>(a, b, d, e) in https://www.example.com/store/themes/new/cache/34465a8563e87d390867d99c0d332c60.js:


called from line 7, column 17954 in <anonymous function: w.onreadystatechange>(m) in https://www.example.com/store/themes/new/cache/34465a8563e87d390867d99c0d332c60.js:



Please help




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