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online catalog without shopping cart

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i just download PrestaShop in local server for testing. It's great, but i wonder if it's possible to hide (or delete) all shopping cart functions, like add cart, shipping...or just hiding add cart button because the purpose of my website will be showing products and some information, such as product's description, weight, color, and style number. I downloaded and tested some photo galleries from open sources, but I prefer PrestaShop to others for many reasons.
thanks in advance

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I'm not aware of an option to do this in the Back Office. You would need to modify some code and uninstall all modules that are involved in ordering (top sellers block, cart block, my account block, block payment logo, specials block, user info block and wishlist block). The files you need to modify are themes//product-list.tpl and product.tpl, and modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl, if installed. Remove every line that contains l s='Add to cart'

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Looks like maybe you may still have to settle for a photo gallery type script , where you can put the details in a description field of the photo.

That would satisfy your needs, I would think.

Too much work trying to mod Prestashop for your purpose it is a shopping cart after all.

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Thank you very much, rocky and Raver. I will delete modules and modify the files you wrote, which will be difficult and lots of work for me since I have little knowledge of PHP and MySQL, but I'll try. I used to use Linpha PHP photo gallery and customize a little. But I'd like to do Prestashop for renewing website.

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