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[SOLVED] Problem with Force compile "No"

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Hello community!


I'm about to finish my site, with a lot of work but your posts have helped me a lot.

However, now I'm having a problem I hope you know how could it be fixed.


I've edited the tpl file of the block categories module, so it would appear an image above the links depending on the URL. It was working fine, but now that I turned "Force compile" to "No", and Cache to "Yes", the image doesn't appear anymore.


Here's what I've added to the tpl file:


{if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI|stripos:"moog"}

<div class="brand_block">

<a href="{$link->getPageLink('MoogHome.php')}" title="{l s='moog' mod='blockcategories'}"><img src="http://www.nano.ec/store/img/moog_logo.jpg" alt="{l s='moog'}" title="{l s='moog'}" width="164" height="65" /></a>


<div id="categories_block_left" class="block">

<div class="block_content">

<ul class="tree">

<li><a href="{$link->getCMSLink('10', 'sobre-moog')}" title="{l s='Sobre moog' mod='blockcategories'}"> {l s='Sobre moog' mod='blockcategories'} </a></li>






Now it's only working with "Force compilation" in Yes, but I know I can't keep this setting because my site will be slow.


Any ideas how to fix this?


Thank you very much.

Edited by vero20 (see edit history)
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OH, oh, well it seems like I'm having another problem. I need this image to change depending on the URL, right? However, it shows but it doesn't change. I'm guessing that because of cache the URL it's not being updated, therefore the image remains.


Is there a way I could ask the site to erase the cache whenever this module loads?

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OH, oh, well it seems like I'm having another problem. I need this image to change depending on the URL, right? However, it shows but it doesn't change. I'm guessing that because of cache the URL it's not being updated, therefore the image remains.


Is there a way I could ask the site to erase the cache whenever this module loads?


I believe you can set a cron job to do this for you, but I don't have access to the specific code you'd want to put together for that. Personally, I just go ahead and do that any time I make any sort of changes to a site, it only takes about 30 seconds but can make a world of difference.



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