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Visible combinations depending on a selection

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Hello i have a problem with my e-shop.

i would like to create a combination ot customization field on a product level in order to be able for the customers to select city in order to fix their tires but i want it to be visible only if he select to fit his tyres. Any idea?


please see the below link to understand



thanks in advance



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Hi George,

Just to make sure I understand what you're looking for, is that how you want it to work?


1. Customization options are not visible

2. Customer sets his city

3. Customization options appear and are required to be selected


Is this how you would like for it to work?



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hi mike thanks for the quick response


i would like to work like below


1. Customization options are not visible

2. Customer sets his way to buy the tyres (delivery or Fitting )

3. Customization options appear and are required to be selected





p.s. when the customer select fitting option i would like to able to select or write the city on the customization field

Edited by pahnas (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again after many days there is no answer on the forum for my problem on visible combination after the selection.

can you please tell me the file and what line i have to change?


thanks in advance

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Hi again after many days there is no answer on the forum for my problem on visible combination after the selection.

can you please tell me the file and what line i have to change?


thanks in advance


This requires more than a single line to change, it requires actual custom development on your site beyond what I can offer you here. However, you're welcome to call our team at 888 947 6543 or send an email to benjamin DOT utterback AT prestashop DOT com and we'll be happy to match you up with the right PrestaShop Certified developer for your needs and budget.



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This is actually some functionality that PS should consider integrating.. I had the same type problem on a smaller scale.. Something like this..

I have say.. red, white, blue in small, med and large. In xl I only have red and white. Instead of allowing the client to select blue and xl and telling them it is not available, the selectors should repopulate on selection only allowing available options for other selectors.


In my case, after some usability testing, I decided on making separate products for the difference in available options as I had a much larger color/size set which left client wondering what was really available. some javascript magic could do this I am pretty sure.

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