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Customizable product fields

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Hi Prestolabels,

Can you please post a link where we can test this for ourselves?




Unfortunately the site isn't live yet its running on my intranet. I hope to go live within the next couple of days and I will post a link then.



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Hi Prestolabels,

In your config/config.inc.php file, please set "display_errors' to "on" and reload the page, and then let us know if you receive any error messages when you try to upload an image.




Here are the errors I get when I try to upload an image.


Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [file -b --mime-type "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php1C.tmp"] in D:\Prestashop\classes\ImageManager.php on line 191


Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [file --mime "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php1C.tmp"] in D:\Prestashop\classes\ImageManager.php on line 193


Warning: exec() [function.exec]: Unable to fork [file -bi "C:\WINDOWS\Temp\php1C.tmp"] in D:\Prestashop\classes\ImageManager.php on line 195



Here is an error I get when I try to delete an image I already uploaded.


Fatal error: Call to undefined method Cart::deletePictureToProduct() in D:\Prestashop\controllers\front\ProductController.php on line 171

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Can you please activate the php_info.dll extension on your site? If you're not sure how to do this, your hosting provider should be able to handle it for you.




The only extension I could find close to that was php_fileinfo.dll is that what you are referring to? I am my own hosting provider so I will have to figure it out if not.

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Ok it should be enabled. Is that a fix or a troubleshooting tool?


That should hopefully fix it. Be sure to clear your smarty cache and compile directories, as well as your browser's cache, reload the page and let me know if that works any better for you!



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That should hopefully fix it. Be sure to clear your smarty cache and compile directories, as well as your browser's cache, reload the page and let me know if that works any better for you!




Well now the tab isn't even showing up to get to the customization's. I tried even deleting the product and creating a new one with customization's with no luck.

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