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Hello i have a major problem with my prestashop. When i receve a mail with a order..sometimes there is a number of articles but the price is just of one article. The person who did this order told me that she didht order all product but just one that is with a price. I saw also in administrator site the order in pdf and there is all okay.. there all product are with a price.. also if that user didnt order all of them.

Can you help me with my problem please? Its so hard to work with this error..

i wanted to make an update on 1.5 i thing but im not sure if all themes and translation will work.




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Sorry I dont understand you well.. i have modul s in left and right column block


right column - block my account, facebook like box block and block my articles


left column block -CMS blok and blok categories.


i hope you didnt mean to disable all of thouse? please explain what must i do ?:)

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