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[Solved] Google Analytics - asynchronous script use with PS?

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Hello everyone,


does anyone know if it is possible to set up Prestashop to use the asynchronous GA script rather than the classic one that loads in the header (and which often causes delay in page load)?


I noticed that often when my website "freezes" for several seconds, the culprit is the analytics script - and on the Google forums I read that this is caused by using the legacy script, the new asynchronous script offered by Google fixes that problem.


Does anyone know how to implement it?


Because just using the standard analytics module that comes with PS won't do I guess.


Thank you very much for your input and help!



Edited by Mister Denial (see edit history)
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Hi sickz,


thanks for your reply! What I actually wanted to know is how to best implement it in the PS end, because the analytics module will obviously not work unless modified. I guess it should be possible to copy-paste the code snippet into the header tag of the shop pages...


...but which file should I modify?


header.tpl or php?


Thanks for your input! I appreciate your time!



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