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[SOLVED] Assembling the product before it goes in the cart

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Say we had a store that sells tee shirts that have some sort of saying on it; but the completed product is actually produce upon demand. We have the blank shirts and can write anything on them; however, pregenerating the finished product would probably lead to inventory that is hard to move.


Here's the logic we are trying to achieve:


1. The customer selects the writing that is to go on the shirt

2. The customer next selects the shirt size and color

3. The customer selects the number of shirts of this size and color with this writing on it.

4. The customer places item in the cart.


We only want to maintain inventory quantity for each blank shirt by size and color. It would be impossible and impracticle to maintain an inventory quantity for each possible combination since the actual finished shirt does not exist until a customer decides they want one.


Since this is outside the scope of most common shopping situations, it is most likely that a custom module would be required. Has anyone either built or attempted to build something along this line? If you know of or could produce a solution to this, please let us know.

Edited by Herbert Kilby (see edit history)
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