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prestashop [] problems

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Hi everybody,


I have run in a few problems after upgrading from to and i would kindly ask for your input as to see if there is any way to fix them...

  1. First, the site is http://labute.ro and once it's loaded you will notice that the categories block is there but no categores and also the ajax cart does not pop up. On the other hand, if i deactivate the slider up top evrything else starts working as it should: categories appear and cart appears and disappears on mouseover. So I'm assuming there is a conflict in Js but i have no idea were to look for the fix. The theme used is a slightly modified Cool Putih and the slider is: Accordion Jquery Slider
  2. Everything seams to be running fine (navigating through the shop) but when i turn off smarty cache in the back office server responds with a 500 error.. only when i turn off smarty cache. Why could this be happening?
  3. Regenerating the thumbs in the backoffice has been full of errors and file permission errors. First whenever i start regenerating it does so for like 5 sec and then server 500 error. when i check, only a handfull of thumbnails have been resized and only those in home featured. The rest gives me a file permission error. I have changed file permissions to 755 and 777 and it still tells me to verify file permissions. What could be the problem there?


I thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give.


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