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[SOLVED] how to delete the pack contents description from the short description on the products page

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ive tried everything to get rid of this description from the short description on the products page. but i cant seem to get rid of the packs content description. i want them to be displayed at the bottom of the page like they do but the short discription has to go makes the page way to long when it dosent have to be. now ive tried this link http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151446-contenu-du-pack/

but that dosent seem to work at all any one got any ideas on how to get rid of this ? any help would be great.

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Hi invayne,

In your theme's product.tpl file, please locate and delete the following code:


  {if $packItems|@count > 0}
   <h3>{l s='Pack content'}</h3>
   {foreach from=$packItems item=packItem}
 <div class="pack_content">
  {$packItem.pack_quantity} x <a href="{$link->getProductLink($packItem.id_product, $packItem.link_rewrite, $packItem.category)}">{$packItem.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>


I hope this helps.



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