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[SOLVED] Very unresponsive PrestaShop

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I've posted in the forums, I've emailed four or five times, I've called and one number didn't work and at the other I was assured that someone would get back to me very soon, but I've actually had no one from PrestaShop contact me. From the website, it seems very possible to call or email. As of this morning, the options on the Support page seem to have mostly gone away.


What is going on?


Is there a better way to try to get in touch with PrestaShop folks?

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Hi betyonfire,

I looked into this further for you, and I do see that you spoke with a member of our team at the end of the day yesterday. We usually spend our mornings getting back to people we couldn't speak with the previous afternoon, so I'm sure you should be hearing from a member of our team soon.



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Hi Mike,


Thanks for your response. I was beginning to get worried. I'm not having trouble getting in touch with someone in particular, but just figuring out the best way to get help/support on customizations.


I've just received a phone call from PrestaShop and am feeling much better about my installation and the modifications I need to make.


Thank you!



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