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[SOLVED] Flaw at Checkout - orders coming thru for items which are not in stock

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Hi wonder if anyone can help


I have a opening every 2 weeks, where I list a batch of premade items (knitted hats) and switch them all on at the advertised time. I very often have over 100 people trying to add the same item to basket. Lets say, there is one hat in stock, sometimes when multiple people are adding to basket and cheking out, it will allow 2 or even 3 orders thru, when there is only one in stock.


I DON'T allow out of stock orders (OOSO) as per my deafult preferences.


The issue comes when there is literally a few seconds between the attemtped checkouts!


Obviously this is not good, and tonight I have sold 4 hats which I don't have in stock , and some very grumpy shoppers :(


Can anyone help with this, is it the weight of traffic causing the issue?


Many Thanks for reading


I'm using Prestashop V1.4.3 and Paypal payment

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you need to update to new prestashop version (


Thanks for your reply shacker. I was really hoping to wait for V1.5 as I don't want to upgrade twice if at all possible. Is v1.5 likely to be a long while yet? If so I will go with the as I obviously need to fix this soon.


Just out of interest, why would up-grading fix the issue i mentioned? Was it a bug that was definately fixed in susequent versions. Just want to be sure this upgrade will solve my problem.


Thanks so much for your time, and sorry for delay, I've been away for a few days :)

Sarah x

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Thanks Shacker


I've just upgraded. Will have to wait to see if it solves the problem.


Just a quick question: I'm using the Page_name variable to change my column width and css classes accordingly. My index page is now not parsing the Page_name variable as it did before, do you know where this variable is set?


heres my code

 <body OnLoad="trap()" {if $page_name}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if} >




All the other pages know their page_names and work correctly, but the home page is not working for some reason? Any Ideas?


Many Thanks


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I fixed the page_name problem. I replaced the new Frontcontroller.php with my old (1.4.3) one and it seemed to fix it?


Should I be worried that my Frontcontroller.php file is now the old one and not the latest version?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Help, Unfortunately, it's happened again :(


I upgraded to the latest version 1.4.8, and the problem remains, in fact it's now worse. It's seriously letting me down, I had 15 orders thru last night for items which were NOT in stock. The issue is with the number of people trying to check out with an in-stock item at the EXACTLY the same time. The website is allowing extra orders thru, when the item actually sold out milliseconds before.


I really need some help with this, as this is a serious flaw in the checkout process, which is undermining my business, and causing me a lot of hassle and upset. I love prestashop, but what use is a website which can not cope with the traffic at check out?


Any ideas? Should I / can I raise this with the technical team some how? I'm desperate for a solution


Many Thanks for your valuable time, much appreciated#


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Hi Sarah,

Unfortunately, I believe this issue is the product of your own amazing success, and I think that this may require some additional custom coding in order to make it work as you will need for this sort of concern.


If you call our team at 888 947 6543 or send an email to benjamin DOT utterback AT prestashop DOT com, we'll be happy to match you up with the best PrestaShop Certified developer for your needs and budget, who can develop this for you.



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OK, Thanks Mike. I'll get in touch with benjamin, and see if he can help. I'd hate to have to leave prestashop as for the most part it serves me very well indeed.

My little hats are in big demand and I guess that might be the problem! :) xx I'm so #rollnroll


Thanks for your time, It's much appreciated xx


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I'm always glad to help! Good luck!




Hi Mike. I've been in touch with Benjamin, and unfortunately they seem unable to help without a costly certified developer :(


I'm very confused and don't know where to turn now.

Am I right to assume that the system does not adjust the stock levels until the item passes thru checkout? Rather than there being a temporary allocation of stock when a customer adds to basket? If I can understand how it works, perhaps I can find a way round it. Would the 'one page checkout' be adding to the symptoms perhaps? How can I stop it letting orders thru once the stock reaches zero?


I really need some advice on this, as I'm completely stumped.


Hoping you'll be able to help (again)



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Hi Mike. I've been in touch with Benjamin, and unfortunately they seem unable to help without a costly certified developer :(


I'm very confused and don't know where to turn now.

Am I right to assume that the system does not adjust the stock levels until the item passes thru checkout? Rather than there being a temporary allocation of stock when a customer adds to basket? If I can understand how it works, perhaps I can find a way round it. Would the 'one page checkout' be adding to the symptoms perhaps? How can I stop it letting orders thru once the stock reaches zero?


I really need some advice on this, as I'm completely stumped.


Hoping you'll be able to help (again)




Hi Sarah,

Unfortunately, Benjamin is correct in that this would require custom development. I actually spoke directly with PrestaShop's founder and CEO, who originally coded PrestaShop in his dorm room and is still unbelievably involved in the development of the software (you should see him work; it's really something else) about your issue, and he told me that he has personally done this sort of development before, and it's not exactly simple, even by his standards. I am confident that we have Certified Developers who can implement this for you, but it's more complicated than even I would probably understand. Benjamin would be happy to match you with the best developer for this if you are interested in doing so, or you could also try your luck by posting here.



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OK, Thanks Mike. It all sounds a bit complicated for my little needs deosn't it. I just wanted a way to make sure the website doesn't go passed zero stock.


So I guess all I can do is learn to accept the problem and or try to work with it/round it etc


I'm wondering how I can minimise the issue,...probably not have so many people shopping at once, right?

Or maybe removing the one page checkout, to force everyone to go thru slower perhaps?

Maybe having less items, and more of them? so 2 different products with 10 of each, rather than 10 individual product perhaps?


OK, lots of thinking to do.

Thanks so much for your support on this, it's really helped to have you here

Warm Regards

Sarah x

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I'm glad I could help clear things up a bit! Once you have some potential solution ideas, let us know and we'd be happy to try to walk through each one to identify the best one for your specific needs.




Hi Mike


I've finally found another post relating to my issue, and the guy mentions a second quantity check being put right into the payment module. He's using bank wire, which apparently has little delay, but I'm wondering if it could work for me too? I'm only using paypal, and so I need a 2nd check of quantities before the payment is taken.


Something like this?


if (!$cart->checkQuantities())
	Tools::displayError('An item in your cart is no longer available, you cannot proceed with your order');


But where should I put it?


Sorry to keep bothering you with this but I just know there must be a fix somewhere

Thanks again xx

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Dont Worry, I think I've done it!



I added it to the top of the Modules/paypal/submit.php page and it seems to do the trick. I only tested it manually, turning the stock on and off, during the various steps and the further paypal screens and it seems to block the order at every chance when it's out of stock, and bounces back to order step 0!! I'm so delighted.


Of course only a true shopping senario with test the balls of it in terms of attempts, so only time will tell, but for now it seems to have solved my issue. Thank you Thank you!

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