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Problems With Payments from other countries.

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I am trying to make my site available for Payments from Australia, and the United Kingdom.

I got a hold of Authorize.net and they told me how to make it so can get cards from other places on there...


And now I cant figure out prestashop. I click on payment tabs and have the currency section right with exchange rates and stuff...


I get to this part


world.gifCountries restrictions

Please mark the checkbox(es) for the country or countries for which you want the payment module(s) to be available.



And the only country with a check box is the U.S. no other one has one show up.

What do I need to do?


Thank you.

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They only told me to log into my authorize.net account and change setting on 3 check boxes and that allows me to accept credit cards from anywhere. I told them I was looking for Australia and UK and they said thats what i needed to do. Then they said I should get their Fraud protection package thing for 9.99 a month since I was accepting foreing cards...

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They only told me to log into my authorize.net account and change setting on 3 check boxes and that allows me to accept credit cards from anywhere. I told them I was looking for Australia and UK and they said thats what i needed to do. Then they said I should get their Fraud protection package thing for 9.99 a month since I was accepting foreing cards...


That's strange, because I haven't heard of Authorize.net doing that. That's not at all to say that you're wrong or mistaken, just that I wasn't personally aware of this potential functionality.


However, if they've provided a workaround on their end, you may need to customize the code of the module in order to keep it working seamlessly.



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The options were in the AVS Section under accounts...


Had me uncheck The card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin and does not support AVS.


And couple others and said that was it...


How do I find out what I have to change in the code? Sigh almost feels like its not worth it :( But afew people in both AU and UK want our stuff

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The options were in the AVS Section under accounts...


Had me uncheck The card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin and does not support AVS.


And couple others and said that was it...


How do I find out what I have to change in the code? Sigh almost feels like its not worth it :( But afew people in both AU and UK want our stuff


For assistance in modifying the module, I would recommend that you post here.



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  • 7 months later...

I believe the Prestashop authorize.net module has a built in country restriction so only customers from the US can use it.


You can try our Authorize.net module, which also offers other great options (IE DPN mode, which does not require PCI compliance), as well as accept card from around the world.



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Well, I removed the US limitation from the code. It is now showing all the checkboxes and they appear enabled, but I haven't been able to confirm yet because there have been no payments from other countries that I am aware of and no complaints about it not working. I don't know if it just looks like it works, but actually doesn't.

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