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Paypal probem

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I'm having some problem changing the price in the paypal modules.

I managed to do it with check and the transfer but I can't find a way to do it with paypal.


This is what I added in the paypal module (paypal.php) line 394 :


$sql = "SELECT assurance FROM `"._DB_PREFIX_."assurance` WHERE `cart` = ".$cart->id;

$resultat = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());

$val = mysql_fetch_row($resultat);


And modified this line just after :

$total = $cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH) + $val[0];


This system works fine with the check and transfer.

I reinstalled the paypal module and now it's even worse because the when I click on the paypal logo, it goes directly to paypal sandbox instead of going to the confirm page.


What should I do ?

Edited by cedric.v (see edit history)
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Yes I understand why it goes directly to the sandbow, it's because of the API parameters that are gone.


But that's not a big problem, just an anecdote.


I really need to modify the paypal.php file for the person to pay the right amount.

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