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I have some issues with a template I bought


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A template I bought has some issues.




1. The logo at the top left wont replace with my logo.


2. I cant find the flash advertisement module to edit what is scrolling to my own stuff.


3. The follow us on Facebook at the bottom right is broken? or is that a module?


4. Can the drop drowns at the top right of the page be less opaque?


lastly how would this noob do all this?



Edited by PrestaNub (see edit history)
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To replace the logo go to preferences/ appearance and upload a new image be sure that after you select the image to want you scroll down and save.

Are you getting an error message at the top of the modules page that states All modules could not be loaded due to memory limits please increase your memory. (or something close to that)

If not it should or probably will be under Front office features.

The Facebook follow us in the footer is probably a module.

You can change the drop down background in the blocktopmenu.css file.

(modules/ blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css)


Take your time and you will get it.

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To replace the logo go to preferences/ appearance and upload a new image be sure that after you select the image to want you scroll down and save.

Are you getting an error message at the top of the modules page that states All modules could not be loaded due to memory limits please increase your memory. (or something close to that)

If not it should or probably will be under Front office features.

The Facebook follow us in the footer is probably a module.

You can change the drop down background in the blocktopmenu.css file.

(modules/ blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css)


Take your time and you will get it.


I tried to replace the logo the way you said TDR170, but it didnt work :( is it a problem with the coding?


no I am not getting any errors with modules not loading due to size.


I checked the front office features too.


I fixed the facebook link :)


And I figured out im going to get rid of the drop down menu's

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