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Shipping Estimator Vs Actual Shipping

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I have finally entered all my categories and products and am starting to test Paypal and UPS.

So far everything works just right the correct amount of taxes are applied to orders based on Florida Counties and State. (taxes applied only to Florida orders)

Orders go through to Paypal without any issues, but the one thing I notice is that if I put something in the cart as a guest (not signed in) the shipping estimator will give me a ground price of $9.52 but once I sign in the actual cost for ground is $13.64. ($4.12 diff)

I have no additional shipping cost either in shipping or the UPS module.

No matter how I set it with or without packaging weight in the UPS module I can not get them to match.


Have others noticed this and if so what did you do, my thought is just to turn off the estimator so that they will have to create an account to see shipping but mostly so that what they see is what they get.


Thanks for any and all input.

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Actually the reason for it is with no zip code, ups does not really know how much to charge. More than likely what is happening is ups is returning the lowest possible rate for that package, then when you add the zip code, it is returning the delivery charge.

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