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Overpriced UPS Estimates

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I feel there aren't many threads pertaining to the UPS module... So either I'm the only one having extreme difficulties with it...or no one is speaking up. :)




I got my UPS Module to at least talk to UPS.

packaging weight at 1

handling fee at $0.00


Weight: LBS

Dimension unit: IN


I set up my address in the center of the USA at home office as I have 2 warehouses; one on the east coast and one on the west coast and my home office is roughly smack dab in the middle of the two warehouses. This way I figure my estimates will be pretty close depending on which warehouse I ship from.


The rate service group: U.S.D.S.

Pickup Type: Daily (which was set this way just to make the program happy. any other setting and it gets very angry and wont even talk to UPS)

Packaging: Package

Calcul Mode: All in one package


that being said...


If I go on the website/store and pick an item to ship, which the ups is set up at home office location to be shipped to my Utah warehouse on next day air...it estimates a 12 pound 20"x24"x24" package would cost $941.01 to ship....


However when I log into my utah warehouse computers and actually make a shipping label from it to chicago home office on next day air it says $55.12...


Whyyyyyy...? :(

Edited by PrestaNub (see edit history)
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