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What Modules do you guys feel is an absolute must?

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I am building my first prestashop and like it so far but was wondering what modules did you guys find helped a lot?


I want to set it up with paypal so that it is easy payment but was wondering which module is best?


I also am having a lot of troubles with shipping. Since I will mainly use UPS and USPS what is the best module that all I have to do is enter basic shipping size of the item under the product and it will take both company rates and automatically figure out shipping?


Lastely, just through me some pointers on what you guys think. One thing that bugs me that I want to change is when you make an account on my store and log in the My account box on the left is pink... were everything else is black grey and white... and the male population will mainly use my site... is there a way to change the color of this one box?



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Hi PrestaNub,

In terms of specific modules, each one handles a specific function. So we offer individual modules for PayPal, UPS and USPS, for example. You won't be able to integrate UPS and USPS into a single module, for example, but you can configure them both and have both of them available as shipping options for your customers.


In terms of the color of the My Account box, you can change that (and any other aspects of the design) in your site's CSS files.


I hope this helps.



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