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[SOLVED] combinations problem

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in the product bit when you make a product the combination won't come up at all and the product won't come up either


admin panel






I can't say for sure purely based on those screenshots, but my guess is that you very likely have way too many combinations for your server to handle. You will need to contact your hosting provider to see if they can even handle that for you, because that's a pretty massive amount of data for your host to handle.



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is there anyway i can change the amount of combinations with out having to uninstall presta shop and reinstalling and redoing everything? what is the name of the file were that information is as then i can just edit it as i really dont want to do the whole website again

Edited by bossydal1 (see edit history)
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is there anyway i can change the amount of combinations with out having to uninstall presta shop and reinstalling and redoing everything?


You don't need to uninstall anything, but you can delete your combinations and start over by just starting the Combinations Generator process again. When you click the button, you should get a warning that this will delete your existing combinations. Just click 'OK' and you can do it again.



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what should i tell them?


Just tell them what you've told us here, that you were adding combinations and then everything disappeared, and then ask them what they can do to help, whether it's making some changes to your server or manually deleting the combinations from your database to clear some room.



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do you mean that i might have to much data on my server as i have over 9gb empty or do you mean somthing else


There are multiple PHP limits set by your server, including memory_limit, max_input_vars and many more. I would recommend you speak with them because they will be able to give you the best information in this situation.



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i have managed to solve the problem my self here is how i did it


1: open up phpmyadmin from your server

2: select your host on the left handside

3: find the file saying ps_product_attribute (on the left handside)

4: change the box next to show to a max of 1000 and press entre

5: go to the bottom of the page and click check all

6: delete and repeat untill they have all gone away

7: go back in to the combination of the items and you should be able to redo it all



a hugh tanks to Mike for all of his help

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